It’s important to us to be clear to you about what we do as service providers to the Deanwood Heights community.
- Adult Literacy/Education
- Affordable Housing
- Career Services
- Clothes Giveaway
- Computer Training
- Economic Development
- Food Pantry
- GED/SAT Preparation
- Health Awareness
- Life Skills Training
- Mentoring
- Summer Camp
- Youth Outreach
“The work you are planning to accomplish along the Dix Street corridor in the areas of affordable housing, education, medical care, adult day care, senior housing, community space, recreation and retail space are an asset to this community."
The Honorable Vincent C. Gray
DC Ward 7 City Councilman
Former DC Mayor
By Givelify:
“This is a good vision and great programming effort for my constituents."
The Honorable Yvette M. Alexander
Former DC Ward 7 City Councilman
“I am fully supportive of the vision of Beulah Baptist Church through Beulah Community Improvement for the revitalization of the Deanwood Heights community."
Dr. Mary L. Gaffney
Commissioner (ANC7C/SMD 7C05)
President, Northeast Boundary Civic Association
By Paypal:
A. To raise the economic, educational, and social levels of residents of the Far Northeast community (”Deanwood Heights”) in Washington, DC;
B. To combat discrimination, poverty, and crime;
C. To expand affordable housing opportunities;
D. To support participants involved in welfare to work transition programs; and,
E. To raise the economic standard of Deanwood Heights.
“I believe that your efforts are noteworthy and should be supported."
Mr. Coleman Milling
Washington Interfaith Network
A 501C3 Nonprofit Organization Serving the
Deanwood Heights Community in Washington, DC
© 2018 Beulah Community Improvement Corporation. All Rights Reserved.